Why are there no mutations in my gene of interest?
- make sure you use the correct type of identifier (gene name or sequence name, not names for splice variants or other identifiers)
- make sure you've checked the boxes on right for the correct types of mutations to be shown
- make sure you haven't entered anything in other search fields
Why are there no mutations in my chromosomal interval?
- make sure you have checked the boxes on the right for the correct types of mutations to be shown, e.g. if your interval is intergenic, check the box for "intergenic"
- make sure you haven't entered anything in other search fields
The number of mutations in my strain of interest is surprisingly small
Make sure that ALL the boxes (on the right) for types of mutations are checked, if you want to see all mutations in the strain.
When I click on the allele name the corresponding Wormbase search shows '0 results'. Why?
Not all the data from the Million Mutation Project have been included in Wormbase as of March 2013.