Search for nematode proteins


Protein Domain(s) (IG, PF07679)

enter domain abbreviations or SMART/Pfam identifers to search for proteins containing certain domains. Use boolean logic for combinatorial searches.

Domain pattern (>3IG FN3*TM)

search for a particular arrangement of domains. '>3IG FN3*TM' translates into 'more than 3 IG domains immediately followed by a FN3 domain eventually followed by a TM domain'.

Sequence Name(s) (rig-6, C34F6.1)
enter a comma-separated list of gene or protein identifiers

Gene Ontology terms

Gene Ontology IDs (GO:0005622)

 Display options


show also:
gene name
 UniProt ID
 GO terms

suppress gaps <  amino acids

suppresses the display of regions not assigned to domains, when the number of amino acids is below the given threshold.